Thursday, 20 May 2010

Letter to Mrs Mckormack to join the Eco-Schools project

Dear Mrs McCormack

I am writing to inform you of a brand new scheme that has come into place to make schools of the world to go more eco-friendly and to make the worlds natural resources go a very long way. It is known as the ‘eco-schools organisations. It has been designed to meet the governments target to make all schools eco and sustainable by the year 2020. It is known as an award organisation known for its competitions and outstanding prizes. Furthermore it can help bring schools in the area and elsewhere to come together and tackle environmental issues. As a sustainable schools programme our main aim is to keep Britain tidy for the future generation. The process to sign up is free and very easy. All you have to do is visit in order to sign up and the best thing is it is absolutely free. Already Small heath Technology college have signed up and are advancing at a very fast pace. There are already up to 40,000 schools signed up and has linked them all the way to France. Also there are many rewards. These are BRONZE, SILVER AND GOLD. These can be won by proving a commitment to being an eco-friendly school. There are also numerous competitions mostly to do with artwork and can bring pupils closer together. I hope you have a look at this exciting opportunity and one that can make a real difference.

Yours sincerely

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