Friday, 4 December 2009

Performance review

In this review I will be commenting on all aspects of the performance and also the planning that It took. My role in the performance was photographer and set design. These two roles combined very effectively to make sure that it all went to plane. my first task as set design was to take pictures using the cameras to see where all the props and actresses and other things would go. We also has a visual floor plan to help mark out the position of props etc. As I have said before the advantages of being a photographer is that I can use it to help with the set design to make it look as glamorous as possible. The photography role enabled me to take pictures of the rehersals and everyone that was takign part. At this stage i felt relieved to see that everything was finally coming together. I first had doubts about the performance actually getting finished on time since we only had a month, but now I was feeling confident.

In my own opinion I felt that I done excellent, becuase I had completed all the tasks given. I had done all these tasks with great care and had them done on the deadline. My teacher had given me some excellent comments and this drove me to strive for even more success. After the pictures, with the information about the greek ampitheatre. I and my team had very good ideas about the planning of the stage and were set to make this a very great success. I have has many strengths in this perfomance. One of which is my resilience because I never gave up whenever I had hard times. For example I was behind on my blogging and used my time at home to catch up. As soon as I had caught up I felt relieved and was back on track. That was the only time that I felt that I had not performed to the best of my ability, but as always I had pulled it back. As I was doing all these tasks I was always time-conscious and tried my best to keep within the deadlines given. my team had up to five people and we all worked collaboratively to acheive the same target. we always got on well and got the job done. I could have improved by keeping up to date with my blogs, but now I have and am very happy with the success of my roles.

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